# Step 1:
If a pimple or two has sprouted and you are in urgent need to get rid of it apply a dab of fluoride toothpaste to the blemish and cover with a band aid overnight.
# Step 2: Puffy eyes are not very attractive.
Apply cotton balls that are dipped in ice cold milk or cream to puffy eyes for about ten minutes. The high fat content in the milk will moisturize the skin around the eyes and reduce any puffiness.
# Step 3:
Stop that stuffy nose right in its tracks! Drink 1 tsp of freshly grated horseradish mixed with 1/4 c of lemon juice. The horseradish breaks up the mucus and the lemon juice helps that taste.
# Step 4:
Mix 1/4 c of vinegar and 1/4 c of honey. Drink 1 TBSP every four hours and it will take your sore throat away.
# Step 5:
Put salt directly on a canker sore. This creates somewhat of a chemical burn on the surface of the skin which acts as a protective coating and makes the sore heal better.
# Step 6:
Fill a foot tub with ice water and another with warm water. Add a few drops of peppermint oil and alternate soaking for five minutes each. Peppermint relaxes the muscles and the hot/cold alternating reduces swelling.